Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get It!

Hellloooooo Everybody! It's been a long day for sure and what better way to relax then in a cute new outfit? Delirium Style has released a ton of new stuff in the last 24 hours it's nuts. I love the styles and colors. My shirt comes with different prints on it too but I'm going to leave that up to you to get your booties down there to check it out! Chrissy's even rearranged the sim a little so she can create lots more and have the room for all her creations. Go check it out and happy shopping!

What I'm Wearing:
Skin: :[ Al Vulo! ] - [ Aisha ] - [ Peacock sunkissed TDR ]
Eyes: - DAMNED - JABU Eyes - Green
Hair:  /Wasabi Pills/ Fay Mesh Hair - Reds Pack
Outfit: D-Style - Misty
Shoes: TEN"10 Megas boots  white
    Ring: JCNY - 'PROMISE Ring, Exclusive Engraving Edition
    Eyeliner: - DAMNED -  Tribal Make up + base hair / 4 Versions
    Ears: FEMALE[MANDALA]Stretched EARS-OMIMI-(wear Me to Unpack)!
    Stockings: erratic / fishnet wide / white
    Socks: Tintable Fader Socks!
Poses:  Diesel Works - Coquette Seat

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